Monday, March 26, 2007

Tim Carter Interview

Tim Carter

Last week Starting wide receiver for the New York Giants Amani Toomer injured his knee and will be out for the rest of the 2006 season his replacement is Tim Carter. Here is the exclusive interview.

1. How and at what age did you start playing fooball?
I was about 11 years old and I had just moved to Florida with one of my best friends and his older brother and father were taking him to sign up to play little league football and I decided to sign up with them and that’s how I started playing football.

2. Did you ever take a break from Football?
Yeah pretty much when I started playing I continued to play and I never took any breaks.
3. What was your favorite football team growing up?
I didn’t have a favorite football team I did have favorite players. I really liked Deon Sanders, Tom Carter ,Micheal Irving but as far as a team I didn’t really have a favorite team.
4. Who was your absolute football hero growing up?
It was Deon Sanders.
5. At what age did you decide you wanted to play professionally?
I was probably about 15 or 16 years old.
6. How was your experience playing in college against the likes of Alabama,Florida,and LSU?
Those are good rivals and we would be fighting every week.
7. Do you feel a big difference playing in college and playing as a professional?
Yes there is definitely a difference in talent and competitiveness. So yeah I would say that there is a big difference in playing in the NFL and in college.
8. How does it feel to be a Giant?
The Giants have a great organization and a great history and I really like the fan support and I mean it’s a very prestigious organization to be apart of.
9. How did you feel when you scored your first professional touchdown?
I was really excited.
10. Have you learned a lot by veteran receivers Like Amani Toomer?
Yeah those guys have a lot of experience and a lot of knowledge about the game so they taught me a lot since I have been here.
11. How is it playing for Tom Coughlin?
He is a great coach and a great coaching staff. He is about winning football and that’s what im about also.
12. How are your practices?
They are very up tempo and there is no waste of time and it is very efficient.
13. Who helped you the most on the team when you first were draft?
Amani Toomer and Ike Hillard was here so they helped me.
14. Do you see any players outside of practice?
I hang out with Amani Toomer, Plaxico Burress, and David Tyree so we try and get together every now and again.

15. Did you ever invision being a wide receiver for the New York Giants.
Only heading into the draft I knew there was potential that I would be coming to New York.
16. Whats a typical week day for you?
I wake up at 7:00 A.M. I come into the stadium and watch film. We have a lot of meeting and watch a lot of film and then we eat and go out to practice at about 1:00. After practice we come back in and watch more film. We do some little things here and there but that’s it.
17. Say a 1:00 home game when would you have to be at the stadium to warm up and start practicing?
We try to get to the stadium about 2 hours before the game and try to go out to the field for about thirty minutes warm up and that’s it. But you warm up as a team and then go into the locker room and come back out then play the game.
18. How early do you leave for an away game.
We always leave the day before the game.
19. Do you ever practice after you get to the away field?
No we always wait until game day.
20. What was going through you head week 2 against the Eagles when you scored the touchdown?
I saw the ball come out and Plaxico Burress fumble and then I saw the Eagles safety’s coming down the field and attempting to recover the ball and then I saw Visanthe Shiancoe was also attempting to recover the fumble and I knew that it wouldn’t be a clean recovery for either one of them. I started sprinting down, the ball popped out like I anticipated and I just jumped on it.
21. Whats does game day mean for you?
We don’t wanna leave anything out on the field and we always wanna come out with a win. So we come out and compete.

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